Evolution steps of a VHL instance

As the VHL develops, it moves through the evolution steps based on its achievements towards being recognized and used as a space for convergence of initiatives such as the organization, index, preservation, accessibility promotion, evaluation and utilization of sources of technical and scientific information in health (certification). Once this acknowledgment has been achieved, the instance may plead its certification (which may be conceived after the evaluation process).

As the VHL develops, it moves through the evolution steps based on its achievements towards being recognized and used as a space for convergence of initiatives such as the organization, index, preservation, accessibility promotion, evaluation and utilization of sources of technical and scientific information in health (certification). Once this acknowledgment has been achieved, the instance may plead its certification (which may be conceived after the evaluation process).


  • Scenario 1: Pilot or post up – this scenario includes the first step of articulation and debate between the social actors that take part as producers, intermediates and users of the sources and flows of information, aiming to promote the full adoption of the VHL model in the management of scientific and technical information. That paradigm shift often implies in the adaptation and reorganization of products and services of information available in the VHL. The elaboration of both the project and the action plan are important to the development of the VHL in this phase, as much as the establishment of collaborative spaces or virtual comunities. According to the VHL Life Cycle, it is in the “Step 2″ that the instance gets evaluated in order to assess it’s initial development status, in other words, confirm if the instance has made enough progresses to shift from “Pilot” to “Developing”.


  • Scenario 2: Developing VHL – this scenario holds as main characteristic the conformation and/or strengthening and expansion of social and content networks. At this stage, the VHL instance pursues the strengthening of cooperative and decentralized work, in addition to the publication and update of the network of contents and sources of information. This phase includes the consolidation of the VHL instance, along with the definition of its visual identity and information architecture. In this context, it is essential to establish activities to promote and publicize the VHL instance. As it happens in the first scenario, the instance has to be evaluated to shift from the “developing” status to be considered a certificated instance. The evaluation is represented in the VHL Life Cycle by the number 4 and, according to the evolution degree assessed, the instance may remain considered a “developing” instance or be certificated.


  • Scenario 3: Certified – the main feature of this scenario is the consolidation of the VHL’s virtual space as a common good, fully adopted by producers, intermediaries and users of technical and scientific information in health. At this stage, the VHL instance reaches a high degree of autonomy in the adoption and operation of methodologies and applications of the VHL, working cooperatively and acting as a multiplier of technical cooperation actions, for the growth of its own social and content network and for the development of those features in the VHL network as a whole. The greater degree of maturity of a VHL instance is achieved when it acquires the acknowledgment of itself as a reference space in access to information and knowledge exchange in the area. The already certificated instances are periodically submitted to new evaluations, which aim to confirm if the instance has kept fulfilling the criteria that compound the VHL model and if it is still accomplishing it’s objectives. Confirming and maintaining these standards ensure the VHL strengthening.


  • Conditional Certification - once a certificated instance is reevaluated, if it has failed to fulfill the criteria that compound the VHL model it shall shift to the “Conditional Certification” status and have a term – determined by the Evaluation Committee – to proceed with the necessary adjustments to fit into the VHL model. Once the term is over, a new evaluation process is held to determine if the instance may maintain the certification or if it will shift back to the “developing” status.

Deste modo, a avaliação de maturidade de instâncias BVS é um processo permanente que identifica o nível de maturidade de cada instância BVS na adoção deste modelo. Por meio da avaliação são observados aspectos que contribuem para a qualidade da BVS e seus conteúdos como:

  • Organização e atualização de conteúdos
  • Plataformas tecnológicas utilizadas
  • Design e navegabilidade

O fluxo de avaliação é estabelecido de acordo com o nível de maturidade da instância BVS, conforme apresentado a seguir. 

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