Establishing governance Instances

Once the institutions that will collaborate in the development of a VHL instance are mapped, they are organized following a pre-defined governance structure, taking different functions, namely:

Coordination and/or Executive Secretariat

  • Represented by an institution that has favorable political, economic, and human and technological resource conditions to lead the operation of the VHL Network instance.
  • Responsible for monitoring the actions deliberated by the Advisory Committee, expressed in its project and action plans, especially related to the promotion of cooperative and networking work for the operation of sources of information.
  • Responsible for promoting the effective operation of the Advisory Committee, including the organization of periodic face-to-face and/or remote meetings.

Advisory Committee

  • Formed in an equitable manner by a group of institutions of the scope to which the VHL Network will be developed, represented by its specialists. It is recommended that different profiles of institutions compose the Advisory Committee, (research, academia, government, scientific societies, etc.) to consider the needs and interests of different types of users.
  • Responsible for the projects and work plans that define the priority lines of action of the VHL, as well as its development, continuous evaluation, and definition of quality criteria for sources of information.
  • Responsible for guiding the creation of groups for specific themes, such as the Selection Committee for the evaluation of scientific journals, thus contributing to the quality and representativeness of relevant scientific literature at the VHL.
  • It is the deliberation forum of the VHL instance.

Technical Committee

  • Composed by information and information technology professionals from institutions that make up the VHL Advisory Committee.
  • Responsible for the operation of sources of information and their continuous updating.
  • Its composition can be validated by the Advisory Committee.
  • Also called Executive or Operational Committee.