Recursos encontrados: 23

Bibliotecas para um mundo melhor: contribuindo com a Agenda 2030.


Mesa Redonda sobre o eixo temático Gestão da Informação apresentada no CRICS10. Apresenta o trabalho da FEBAB (Federação Brasileira de Associações de Bibliotecarios), da IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions), e o papel das Bibliotecas em geral na promoção e Implementação do desenvolvimento da Agenda 2030. Apresenta exemplos de Redes de Bibliotecas (Bi...
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Acesso à Informação, Bibliotecas, 55792, FEBAB, IFLA

Challenges of Health in the 2030 Agenda: new forms of knowledge production and data opening.


Roundtable on the thematic axis on Open Science presented at CRICS10. It presents the definition of Data, Data in health and its importance for the generation of knowledge and application of it in public health and access to health in general. Presents the Agenda 2030 points that emphasises that the quality, accessible, timely and reliable disaggregated data is key to decisionmaking, measurement o...
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55792, Acesso à Informação, Saúde Pública, Difusão de Inovações, Ciência aberta, Dados em Saúde

The National Library of Medicine as a Platform for Biomedical Discovery and Data-Powered Health: Foundations for Open Science Collaboration


Masterful Conference presented at CRICS10. It describes the services of the National Library of Medicine, USA (NLM). Presents the 2017/2027 strategic plan on biomedical discovery and data-powered health. Presents the NIH strategic plan for data science and its objectives.
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Acesso à Informação, Base de Dados, National Library of Medicine (U.S.), Ciência aberta