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The TRANSFER Approach for assessing the transferability of systematic review findings


These videos, originally part of the Cochrane Learning Live webinar series, introduce the TRANSFER Approach for assessing the transferability of systematic review findings. The TRANSFER Approach is a novel approach for supporting collaboration between review authors and stakeholders from the beginning of the review process to systematically and transparently consider factors that may influence the transferability of systematic review findings. The first part of the presentation covers how the TRANSFER Approach was developed. Next, a case study is presented to illustrate how the TRANSFER Approach works in practice, and the six stages involved. The session was intended for beginner or experienced review authors and/or decision makers who regularly commission systematic reviews.

Idioma: Inglês Publisher: Cochrane Training
Assunto(s): Enfermagem Baseada em Evidências, Prática Clínica Baseada em Evidências, Revisões Sistemáticas como Assunto, Tutorial Interativo
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