The operation of Sources of Information

Sources of information are produced and operated in a decentralized and online manner, which enhances their visibility and accessibility, promotes cooperation between institutions and avoids duplication of work. For this purpose, they are created, organized, and operated according to pre-defined methodologies. At the VHL, each type of source of information has its own methodology, which includes manuals, guides and systems that facilitate its implementation.


The development of the methodologies and systems is performed by BIREME with the collaboration of the VHL Network. The adoption of international standards and norms widely adopted in its areas are recommended, as well as the use of open-source tools following standards of information architecture, accessibility and responsiveness. The sharing of flows and processes in the use of methodologies and technologies within the VHL values the transparency of interactions among all participants in the network and strengthens the concept of interoperability in the management of sources of information.


In the instances of the VHL Network it is recommended that each source of information be coordinated by an institution, according to the matrix of responsibilities. The coordinating institution is responsible for the integrity of this source of information following the corresponding methodology.