LilacsLILACS database - Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature - is a cooperative database built by the institutions which integrate the Latin American and Caribbean of Health Sciences Information System.

LILACS has been published since 1982 and registers the health scientific-technic literature published by Latin American and Caribbean authors.

The main objectives of this database are the bibliographic control and the dissemination of health scientific-technique literature from Latin American and Caribbean countries, absentee from the international databases.

It covers the description and indexing of theses, books, books chapters, congresses or conferences annals, scientific-technical reports, journal articles, etc, related to health area.

The access to the LILACS database can be carried through the compact disk LILACS/CD and integrally in the VHL's - Virtual Health Library's in the Scientific Literature item, through the common search interface [iAH]. Bibliographical references include links to electronic full texts databases, as well as to the online VHL's Cooperative Service for Accessing Documents [SCAD].

LILACS/CD ROM is published quarterly and includes the databases of LILACS System, databases of Specialized Centers and World Health Organization Library, and the database SeCS - Serials in Health Sciences. It can be acquired by signature for any user or library and its distribution politics to the Cooperating Centers is based on the contribution for the LILACS database.


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LILACS (Literatura Latino-Americana em Ciências da Saúde – Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature) is a bibliographic index of scientific and technical production in the health sciences published in Latin America and the Caribbean.

LILACS has various dimensions depending on the facet necessary for its development.

A simple way of defining LILACS is as a model for the publication of a source of scientific and technical information on the internet, produced in a decentralized manner and with a basis in methods and standards the promote quality, consistency and interoperability of the inserted data.

Depending on the public and the need, LILACS is a:

WG - Working Group for LILACS

Access in:

LILACS journal indexing

Documents in the phase of validation

Read more about Interoperability between LILACS and Dublin Core Qualified to understand the reason for the validation of the document below:

Initiatives in development

Related initiatives

References of interest

Pires-Alves, Fernando A. A biblioteca da saúde das américas: a Bireme e a informação em ciências da saúde 1967-1982. (In Portuguese)

LILACS methodology

LILACS Methodology Documents

Guides and manuals

Document Selection Guidelines for LILACS Database

This Guide contains criteria for the selection of documents that will become part of the LILACS database, one of the Information Sources of VHL (Virtual Health Library). It is composed of two principal sections: database coverage, and selection criteria by literature type, as well as two appendixes. The first section corresponds to definitions of thematic coverage, chronology, geography and language of the LILACS database. The second section corresponds to the specific selection criteria by literature type, such as periodical publications, books, theses, dissertations, and others. In the appendixes are found a list containing the principal DeCS categories and the Periodical Selection Criteria for the LILACS Database.

Journal Selection and permanence criteria for LILACS

The document makes public the general criteria adopted for the selection and permanence of LILACS periodicals and its application in the regional environment (LA &C), in line with theICMJE - International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.

Recommendation for Open Access and Online Content in LILACS

It is recommended that editors of periodicals indexed in LILACS, that, as of January 2013, all journals published in this database should make the complete text of the entire periodical available in open access electronic form. The LILACS Brazil Periodical Evaluation and Selection Committee adheres to this recommendation.

Manual of Bibliographic Description

This provides guidelines for filling out data fields defined in the LILACS format. It describes each data field and gives examples of how it should be filled out. The standardization of the data elements follows international standards for the treatment of bibliographic information such as AARC2, ISBD, UNISIST Reference Manual, MARC Lite and ISO.

Technical-methodological support documents

Document indexing manual (in Portuguese)

This describes the procedures that should be followed for the analysis of document content to be incorporated in the LILACS database. It is based on the MEDLINE indexing manual.

LILDBI-Web procedures manual

This provides guidelines for conducting tasks such as input, maintenance, and quality control of the bibliographic databases that follow the LILACS methodology through LILDBI-Web.

Technical notes

This updates the manuals and application software through specific notes about new features of the systems, work flows, and methodology changes.

Data dictionary for the LILACS model (in Spanish)

This instructs system analysts about the structure of the directories and the structure of the database fields of the LILACS methodology and the LILDBI-Web system.

Systems, applications and plug-ins


Used for the administration of databases in accordance with the LILACS methodology. It permits the entry, maintenance, quality control, storage and retrieval of data in bibliographic databases in a decentralized manner.

LILACS-Express Editor

System which contains the minimum data of the periodicals that are not indexed in SciELO and that do not adopt its methodology.

LILACS Submission

This is a technical cooperation support system for the products and services offered by BIREME. Still in its initial phase, it hopes to send files in the ISO 2709 format for inclusion in the LILACS database and accompany the processing status of the record lots.


Cooperatively produced catalogue of scientific journals by the institutions that make up the Virtual Health Library. It registers bibliographic data of scientific journals in the health sciences area indexed in the LILACS and MEDLINE databases, and the respective collections of the VHL cooperating libraries.

Authority Control

DeCS controlled vocabulary - Health Sciences Descriptors

Controlled, structured, and trilingual vocabulary in the area of health. Translation of MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) with the addition of 4 specific regional categories. Used for the indexing and retrieval of scientific and technical literature in the LILACS database as well as others.

Auxiliary tables – Cooperating Centers, Countries and Periodical Titles

Update files of LILDBI-Web for the control of code fields of the Cooperating Center, Country, LILACS Periodic Title and DeCS Descriptors.

The table is updated annually following the release of the DeCS translation.

Development, updating, and maintenance of the LILACS methodology

The LILACS methodology has been developed, maintained and updated by its body of technical specialists which include librarians and system analysts and was constituted in its present form in 1999 in the form of the LILACS Brazil Journal Evaluation and Selection Committee, which among its other activities, acts in the revision of the LILACS Journal Evaluation and Permanence Criteria and works with documents and recommendations regarding scientific content and accessibility to the complete text.

The updates and revisions of the Methodology are done in moments such as:


Given the complexity of the current moment in which there are constant changes in the scientific scenarios as well as social and cultural changes that provides incentive and the search for interaction and cooperation, the final users of systems and scientific networks are more and more pro-active, conscious of, and demanding new developments.

In this sense and on a basis of scientific and technical cooperation that permeates all action in the Network, the development, updating and maintenance of the LILACS Methodology will be done in collaborative manner. See the instructions about what and how to request alterations, updates, answer doubts, and suggest inclusions: Guide for collaboration with the LILACS Methodology (in Portuguese)]

See also

  • Latin-American and Caribbean System on Health Sciences Information

    Latin-American and Caribbean System on Health Sciences Information

    Description of the system

    The Latin-American and Caribbean System on Health Sciences Information aims to cooperate with the development of research, education and attention in health in Latin-America and Caribbean, ensuring that the technical and scientific information produced nationally and internationally and be accessible to the community and to the health professionals.

    The System is coordinated by the Pan-American Health Organization through BIREME, a specialized center that was created to develop OPA’s program of information in health sciences.

    The Regional System is a product of the national systems integration, whose structure predicts a National Coordinator and a decentralized net of Cooperative Centers composed of health libraries and documentation centers.

    The Information Centers of the Pan-American Health Organization’s seat, in Washington, the PAHO’s regional specialized Centers and the Documentation Centers, located in Representations in several countries, also belong to the System.

    Using Lilacs Methodology, the countries that integrate the Latin-American and Caribbean System of Health Sciences Information create national and local databases and cooperate with the modernizing of LILACS databases, contributing with the bibliographical control and the dissemination of the technical and scientific literature of the Region, in the technical cooperation model established by the Virtual Health Library.

    The following databases integrate the Latin-American and Caribbean System on Health Sciences Information em: LILACS, ADOLEC, BBO, BDENF , DESASTRES, HISA, HOMEOINDEX, LEYES, MEDCARIB, REPIDISCA  and national databases from the Latin American countries.

    National structure:

    [icon name="check-circle" class="" unprefixed_class=""] a National Coordinator Center (CCN) from the National Net, BIREME has also this function to Brazil;
    [icon name="check-circle" class="" unprefixed_class=""] a Technical Group, composed of representative from the Cooperative Centers from all the National Net (CC);
    [icon name="check-circle" class="" unprefixed_class=""] an Adviser Committee, composed of Health authorities; and
    [icon name="check-circle" class="" unprefixed_class=""] a Documentation Center from PAHO/OMS’s Sanitary Shop in the country.

    Regional Structure

    [icon name="check-circle" class="" unprefixed_class=""] a Regional Coordinator Center (BIREME);
    [icon name="check-circle" class="" unprefixed_class=""] a Technical Group, composed of representative from the National Coordinator Centers (CCN);
    [icon name="check-circle" class="" unprefixed_class=""] Regional Centers of specialized Sub-nets in specific themes;
    [icon name="check-circle" class="" unprefixed_class=""] Specialized Regional Centers from PAHO’s Sanitary Shop; and
    [icon name="check-circle" class="" unprefixed_class=""] PAHO’s Headquarter Library in Washington.

    [ ← Show Excerpt ]
  • Specialized Information System for the Area of Odontology Network

    The BBO, Bibliografia Brasileira de Odontologia (Brazilian Bibliography of Odontology) – is a database of Brazilian literature in the area of odontology, edited since 1966 under the responsibility of the Serviço de Documentação Odontológica (SDO) - Odontological Documentation Service - of the Faculty of Odontology of USP. It contains books, theses, periodical publications as well as articles by Brazilian authors published in foreign and non-specialized journals. In collaboration with the Specialized Information in Odontology System, it has brought together since 1991, the national scientific production in the area and is available in online formats and CD ROM as of the 17th edition of LILACS. The journals indexed in the BBO are analyzed by a Selection Committee who follow the Criteria for the Selection of the Database of the BBO. Currently, the database has 60 indexed journals.

    Coordenador do Sistema de Informação Especializado na Área de Odontologia (SIEO):
    Serviço de Documentação Odontológica da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade de São Paulo (SDO - FO/USP)
    Av. Professor Lineu Prestes, 2227 - Cidade Universitária
    CEP 05508-000
    São Paulo - SP - Brasil
    Responsável: Lúcia Maria S.V. Costa Ramos -

    List of journals

    Title ISSN SciELO LILACS BBO MEDLINE Institution responsible (Publisher) Institution responsible for indexing
    Arq. odontol 1516-0939  
    Braz. dent. j 0103-6440  
    Braz. j. oral sci 1677-3217  
    Braz. oral res 1806-8324
    Clín. int. j. braz. dent 1806-5015  
    ImplantNews 1678-6661  
    IMPLO mag 1809-8565  
    REME: revista mineira de enfermagem 1415-2762  
      UFMG (BR21.9) BR21.1
    Rev. RENE: revista da rede de enfermagem do Nordeste 1517-3852  
      UFC (BR1799.9) BR6.1
    Revista baiana de enfermagem 0102-5430  
      UFBA (BR11.3) BR342.1
    Revista de APS 1516-7704  
      UFJF (BR1861.9) BR378.1
    Revista brasileira de enfermagem 0034-7167
    ABEN (BR905) BR1.1
    Revista eletrônica de enfermagem 1518-1944  
      UFG (BR1854.9) BR584.1
    Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP 0080-6234
    USP (BR160) BR1.1
    Revista enfermagem UERJ 0104-3552  
      UERJ (BR1292.2) BR1366.1
    Revista gaúcha de enfermagem 0102-6933
    UFRGS (BR546.2) BR1.1
    Revista latino-americana de enfermagem 0104-1169
    USP/EERP (BR1288.2) BR1.1
    Revista paulista de enfermagem 0100-8889  
      ABEN-SP (BR788) BR599.1
    Revista SOBECC 1414-4425  
      SOBECC (BRI6770.9) BR442.1
    Texto & contexto-enfermagem 0104-0707
      UFCS (BR1282.2) BR17.1
    Revista de enfermagem UFPE on line 1981-8963    
      UFPE BR9.1
    SMAD. Revista eletrônica saúde mental álcool e drogas 1806-6976  
      USP/EERP (BR1872.9) BR26.1

    See also

    BVS Odontologia Brasil:

     Acess to BBO (Brazilian database of Dentistry)


    Seleção de Periódicos da área de Odontologia para LILACS e BBO

     Critérios de Seleção para a Base de Dados BBO
         Responsável: Fábio Jastwebski

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