Author Archives: biradmin

Belice: VHL Memorandum of Understanding Signed

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed today in Belize City to expand and strengthen the flow of scientific health information through the Virtual Health library (VHL) in Belize.  This MOU was signed between and among the Belize Virtual Health Library Advisory Committee and its stakeholders namely, the University of Belize, Health Education and Community Participation Bureau (Ministry of Health), Belize Nurses Association, National AIDS Commission, Belize Archives and Records Service and the Leo Bradley Library.

With continuous support by the Pan American Health Organization, this initiative was established in 2003, and the Belize National Library Service and information System (BNLSIS) has taken the leading role in networking processes among institutions involved in disseminating scientific and technical health information.

Through a UNESCO funded project the BNLSIS acquired the relevant equipment to enable institutions to become contributing partners in the VHL. Local information will be organized, catalogued and made available on-line through the VHL in an effort to promote evidence based information for decision making.

The Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization in Belize recently transferred its library collection to the BNLSIS as part of this collaboration and dissemination effort and Dr. Vargas on behalf of Dr. Gerardo De Cosio, has manifested PAHO’s willingness to continue supporting this and any other initiative that aims at improving access to reliable information among health workers and civil society. The University of Belize is also the Depository Library for WHO.
