Guided evidence search in the VHL

It is a service developed by BIREME|PAHO|WHO to guide users in health decisions informed by scientific evidence. This process includes the search, selection, evaluation and integration of the best available evidence for certain health conditions and contexts.

Stages of decision-making process:

1) Understanding the health problem
2) Identification and selection of options to deal with the problem
3) Analysis of aspects and considerations to implement the options
4) Monitoring and evaluation of the impact of the implementation (of the decision)

The topics available reflect the health priorities of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG3). The EVID@Easy collection is regularly updated with new priority topics.

The questions guide the user of EVID@Easy according to the stage of the decision-making process, culminating in the selection of the type of methodological study that is the best answer to this need of information and presents that response in the VHL.

EVID@Easy apply search strategies developed by librarians skilled in bibliographic search and validated by professionals experts in the formulation of evidence-informed health policies. The strategies are available in the Repository of Search Strategies in the VHL.