Search of indexed journals in MEDLINE by country

How to search titles from Latin America and the Caribbean indexed in MEDLINE.

Below are shown two ways to search titles, by country, in Latin American periodicals indexed in MEDLINE:

  • Search using LocatorPlus
  • Search by NCBI – NLM Catalogue.

The searches must be done by individual country. It is not possible to select all countries in a single search.

To consult the countries of the region, access the VHL Network Directory available at:

Search using LocatorPlus

Locator periodico pais.png

  • First select the limits of the search by clicking “Set Limits Before Searching” in the lower right corner of the advanced search page of LocatorPlus.

Locator periodico pais 2.png

  • In the defining the limits, select, “Currently Published” in Publication Status and the country in Place of Publication. After filtering your search, click the button “Set Limits” to return to the advanced search page of LocatorPlus.

Locator periodico pais 3.png

  • In advanced search, after selecting the limits, type and/or select the following:
    • First line – Search: medline | any of these | As: Abstract/Index Tags
    • Second line – Third line – Search: 1 5 (1 space 5) | any of these | As: Indexing Status

And then click the “Search” button to visualize the periodical titles indexed in MEDLINE from the country selected.

Locator periodico pais 4.png

Creating a list from the search

To create a list of titles from the result of the search, select all records manually, clicking the box to the left in front of each title. If your search has more than one page, click the button “Keep Marked Records” before going to the next page.

Then, at the end of the page, in “Options for Print, Save or E-mail”, select in Apply to Records the option “Selected on all pages”; in Select Print/Save Format select the format Brief record or Citation record, or another format of your preference.

Click the button “Print/Save” to visualize the list.

Locator periodico pais 5.png


Title: Acta cirúrgica brasileira / Sociedade Brasileira para Desenvolvimento Pesquisa em Cirurgia.
ISSN: 0102-8650 (Print)- 1678-2674 (Electronic)
NLM Unique ID:     9103983

In the event that a problem occurs with the accents in the list, change the codification of your browser to Unicode (UTF-8), clicking on View (if using Internet Explorer or Firefox) or Tools (Google Chrome), then on Encoding and select as indicated.

Search by NCBI – NLM Catalogue

Periodico medline pais ncbi 01.PNG

  • Fill out the form as shown below.

Periodico medline pais ncbi 02.PNG

  • Execute the search and click “Send to” and select “Clipboard”. Example:

Periodico medline pais ncbi 03.PNG