
MedCarib network promotes training for trainers on LILACS Methodology

During the May, 6th to 10th, BIREME is coordinating jointly with the Caribbean Network of Health Sciences Libraries (MedCarib Network), the LILACS Methodology training of trainers course.

It is a satellite event of 58th Annual CHRC/CARPHA Scientific Conference that ocurred on May 2nd to 4th.

The participants of the course are from Barbados, Belize, Guyana, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago.                                                                                    

The program of the course comprehends a VHL overview, presentations about collaborative spaces, distance learning platform and LILACS Methodology –  management of LILDBI-Web, bibliographic description and document indexing.

For more information on training visit: http://eventos.bvsalud.org/presentation.php?tema=medcaribBB2013.


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