VHL Search Portal Collection

VHL Regional Index Collection

Information source name Description
LILACS – Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences LILACS is a bibliographic index on health sciences literature published in Latin America and Caribbean countries since 1982. It is a cooperative product of the VHL Network. LILACS has more than 700 thousand bibliographic records of articles published in about 900 journals in health science. LILACS also indexes other types of scientific and technical literature such as theses, monographs, books and book chapters, congress and conference proceedings, reports, governmental publications and publications by international organizations. LILACS can be accessed through the VHL Search Portal, the LILACS Portal and by Google.
MEDLINE – International Database for Medical Literature MEDLINE is a database of international literature on the medical and biomedical area produced by the National Library of Medicine, USA (NLM). It contains bibliographic references and abstracts to over 6,000 journal titles published in the 70 countries. It covers the period from 1966 up to date, and includes the areas of: medicine, biomedicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine and related sciences. The database is updated monthly.
DESASTRES – Disaster Documentation Center Collection DESASTRES is a database produced by the Disasters Documentation Center by the PAHO Preparedness and Disaster Relief Coordination Program. It contains bibliographic references from resulting analysis of publications from PAHO and other United Nations agencies, books or books chapters, unconventional literatures such as technical reports, congress presentations, theses, emergency plans, etc., as well as scientific articles from specialized journals.
IBECS – Spanish Bibliographic Index on Health Sciences IBECS – Índice Bibliográfico Español en Ciencias de la Salud (Spanish Bibliographic Index on Health Sciences), produced by Biblioteca Nacional de Ciencias de la Salud del Instituto de Salud Carlos III del Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo de España (http://www.isciii.es/). It includes bibliographic references from scientific articles in health sciences published in Spainish journals covering areas related to Medicine (including Public Health, Epidemiology and Sanitary Administration), Pharmacy, Veterinary Medicine, Psychology, Odontology and Nursing.
MEDCARIB – Caribbean Health Sciences Literature MedCarib is a bibliographic database which gathers the literature in health sciences from most Caribbean English speaking countries. It is produced by the Caribbean Network and coordinated by the MedCarib Network Coordinating Center, The Medical Library, University of the West Indies, Mona, Kingston, Jamaica. It indexes all types of documents, such as books, books chapters, theses, technical reports, congress and conference proceedings, and journal articles. It contains references of documents dating from the 18th Century up to the present date.
PAHO – Pan American Health Organization Collection PAHO is a database that contains bibliographic references and abstracts from the collection of the Pan American Health Organization. It includes the documents on health subjects indexed by PAHO Library in Washington, DC. The PAHO database is a reference source on the production activities of the Organization and includes Latin America and Caribbean health topics.
REPIDISCA – Sanitary Engineering and Environmental Sciences REPIDISCA is a database that contains bibliographic references to the Sanitary Engineering and Environmental Sciences literature, coordinated by CEPIS – Pan American Center for Sanitary Engineering and Environmental Sciences. From 1994 on it incorporated the registers of the ECO database, related to human Ecology and Health, including the literature published in Latin America and Caribbean Countries.
WHOLIS – Publications from the World Health Organization (WHO) WHOLIS is a bibliographic database that contains publications from the World Health Organization (WHO). It indexes journal articles, technical and political documents and publications of WHO collaboration with editors and international organizations.
CVSP – Virtual Campus of Public Health The Virtual Campus for Public Health is a network of people, institutions and organizations that share courses, resources, services and learning activities, information and knowledge management in training, with the common purpose of improving the skills of the workforce and practices of public health through the development and innovative use of information and communication technologies for continuous improvement of education programs in health. It is itself a tool of the technical cooperation of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) for networked learning in the region of the Americas.
LIS – Health Information Locator LIS – Health Information Locator is a catalog of relevant health sites, portals, and social networks, selected according to quality criteria. The content is constituted by metadata that describes the portals, pointing to its link. LIS methodology is the result of the technical cooperation with Centro Nacional de Información de Ciencias Médicas (CNICM), the Red Telemática de Salud de Cuba (INFOMED) and BIREME. The methodology is based on the Dublin Core and GILS formats (Global Information Locator Service) with additional data fields.
BBO – Brazilian Bibliography of Dentistry The database BBO – Brazilian Bibliography for Dentistry gathers Dentistry literature produced by national authors.
DeCS – Health Sciences Descriptors DeCS – Health Sciences Descriptors is a dynamics vocabulary totaling over 32,000 descriptors, of which 27,000 come from MeSH, and 4,000 are exclusively on DeCS.The trilingual and structured vocabulary DeCS was created by BIREME to serve as a unique language indexing system for articles from scientific journals, books, congress proceedings, technical reports, and other types of documents, as well as for searching and retrieving scientific literatures subjects from the information sources available on the VHL, such as LILACS, MEDLINE and others.
HomeoIndex – Homeopathy HomeoIndex is a database of bibliographic literature on national and international homoeopathic medicine. It was created by BIRENE and APH – São Paulo Homoeopathy Association. Its operation, maintenance and update are coordinated by the APH Library. It indexes journal articles worldwide.
index Psicologia – Tesis It contains information on over 7,000 dissertations and theses in Psychology, It contains information on over 7,000 dissertations and theses in Psychology, enabling access to the full text, when available. The initiative aims to bring together the largest possible number of research on the field.
CidSaúde – Healthy City CidSaúde is a database of literature about the implementation and development of Cidades Saudáveis em Municípios Brasileiros Project, texts and articles published in other countries, mailnly in the Americas. It includes documents on urban health, health promotion, planning and intersectional action at local/ municipal level. It has been developed by Centro de Estudos, Pesquisa e Documentação em Cidades e Municípios Saudáveis – CEPEDC Cidades Saudáveis, a non-for-profit organization based at Faculdade de Saúde Pública, Universidade de São Paulo (FSP/USP), in partnership with the FSP-USP Library
SOF – Formative Second Opinion The Formative Second Opinion (FSO) is an information source that displays questions and answers based on best evidence related to priority problems on primary health care (PHC). The Formative Second Opinion (FSO) originates from tele-consultations that deal with the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS) relevant issues, enabling to answer questions and needs of health professionals, in order to expand the response capacity in similar cases or situations.

FSO are elaborated by the Telehealth Core (NT) following a defined structure that organizes the contents, go through a review process by an experienced professional in primary health care (PHC), and finally are indexed and published in the PHC VHL. The collection, therefore, consists of questions and answers arising from the Family Health Teams linked to the Telehealth Points operating within the Brazilian Telehealth Network Program. It can be considered an example of “knowledge translation” as it summarizes the best available evidence and supports healthcare professionals in topics of daily practice.