Category: LILACS

LILACS journals criteria updated

The criteria for admission and permanence of LILACS journals have been updated to reflect advances in Open Science and strengthen editorial quality. The new version of the document, the result of a participatory process with experts from Latin America and the Caribbean, establishes guidelines on indexing, diversity, editorial ethics, the use of artificial intelligence and […]

CD61: BIREME hosts a booth at PAHO to showcase products and services

BIREME, the Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information, is hosting a booth during the 61st PAHO Directing Council (CD61), from September 30 to October 4, 2024, in Washington, D.C., United States, at the Organization’s headquarters. The session, which brings together health ministers and other sector leaders from across the Americas, is ideal […]

Strategy and innovation: priority development routes

Hotsite highlights the BIREME Strategy 2023-2025, with new routes for development and innovation in projects, products and services. Click on the image to visit the online page. In order to improve its products and processes, BIREME has set itself targets for technological innovation, with a focus on delivering value to users.  The strategy adopted prioritizes […]

BIREME supports MedCarib and the Caribbean VHL

In the second half of 2024, BIREME is holding a series of five technical sessions especially aimed at the public in English-speaking Caribbean countries. The activities were launched on July 23, with the theme “Indexing documents using the LILACS Methodology”, and a presentation by Sueli Suga, BIREME’s Referential Information Sources Supervisor. The complete schedule of […]

New VHL Search Strategy for Oropouche Fever

On July 16, BIREME launched a new search strategy in the Virtual Health Library (VHL) focused on Oropouche fever. The initiative seeks to respond to the recent epidemiological alert issued by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), and its updates. In the first half of 2024, and for the first time since 2010, PAHO published […]