LILDBI-WEB readme database DeCS

Below are instructions on how to update the Health Science Descriptors (DeCS – Descritores de Ciências da Saúde) databases in the LILDBI-Web system. The instructions are divided between LILDBI-Web installed in Linux and Windows.


To check which files will be updated, execute the following command:

tar tvf upd-lildbiw-lin-decs2012.tgz

To run this procedure, updating the databases mentioned in the file above, execute the following command in the database directory of the LILDBI-Web system:

tar xvfzp upd-lildbiw-lin-decs2012.tgz


  • Directory where the databases for the LILDBI-Web system are:
  • Structure of the directory the system was installed:
  • For the structure in the example, it is necessary to decompress the update package in the directory /Apache/ with the following command:
tar xvzf upd-lildbiw-lin-decs2012.tgz
  • This procedure will substitute the files necessary for the update of the system databases.

If there are any questions or problems, send an email to:


To check which files will be updated, open the file below with the WinZip program:

To run this procedure, updating the databases mentioned above, open the file below with the WinZip program and choose the option Extract, applying the action to the databases directory of the LILDBI-Web system (directory above the folder \bases\), and select the option Use folder names of the program.


  • Directory where the LILDBI-Web system databases are:
  • Structure of the directories where the system was installed:
  • For the structure in the example, it is necessary to extract the update package in the directory \Apache\ via WinZip,
  • This procedure will substitute the necessary files for the updating of the system databases.

If there are any questions or problems, send an email to: