Total of resources: 585

Health Sciences Collection

Virtual Health Library Belize, VHL. Database containing monographs, reports, theses and other documents free full text
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Resource added in: 05/08/2015
Available languages: English
Telocytes, Libraries, Digital, Embryonic Germ Cells, Virtual Health Library Belize

Health Communication

Database containing monographs, reports, theses and other documents free full text.
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Resource added in: 05/08/2015
Available languages: English
Libraries, Digital, Telocytes, Embryonic Germ Cells, Virtual Health Library Belize

Health Services

Database containing monographs, reports, theses and other documents free full text.
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Resource added in: 05/08/2015
Available languages: English
Libraries, Digital, Telocytes, Embryonic Germ Cells


Virtual Health Library Guyana, Lis - The Health Information Locator (LIS) is the Virtual Health Library portal which contains the catalogue of information sources on health sciences available on Inter...
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Resource added in: 05/08/2015
Available languages: English
Libraries, Digital, Embryonic Germ Cells, Telocytes, Virtual Health Library Guyana

Busqueda - BVS GUYANA

Library Catalog
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Resource added in: 05/08/2015
Available languages: Spanish
Libraries, Digital, Embryonic Germ Cells, Telocytes, Virtual Health Library Guyana

Guyana Virtual Health Library

The process to develop the VHL in Guyana was launched in 2004, with a visiting team from BIREME. During this visit a workshop was held for all stakeholders to address all aspects in establishing a VHL...
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Resource added in: 05/08/2015
Available languages: English
Libraries, Digital, Embryonic Germ Cells, Telocytes, Virtual Health Library Guyana

BVS Trindade e Tobago

Agreement has been reached among health information professionals in Trinidad and Tobago to adopt and implement the VHL and for participating institutions to collaborate and accept responsibility for ...
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Resource added in: 05/08/2015
Available languages: English
Libraries, Digital, Embryonic Germ Cells, Telocytes, BVS Trindade e Tobago

Facebook BVS Oncologia Uruguay

La página oficial de facebook de la BVS Oncologia Uruguay. La Biblioteca Virtual en Salud se visualiza como la base distribuida del conocimiento científico y técnico en salud; registrado, organiza...
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Resource added in: 04/08/2015
Available languages: Spanish
Social Networking, Medical Oncology, Embryonic Germ Cells, BVS Oncologia Uruguay, facebook

Portal de revistas en oncología con acceso libre : BILIOTECA VIRTUAL EN SALUD - ONCOLOGIA

Contiene 480 revistas de oncología y temas relacionados que tienen acceso electrónico a través de Internet. 261 de ellas ofrecen en forma gratuita su contenido a texto completo. Las restantes ofrec...
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Resource added in: 04/08/2015
Available languages: Spanish
Electronic Journals, Libraries, Digital, Medical Oncology, Embryonic Germ Cells

Busqueda - Libros a Texto Completo

Base de Datos que contiene monografías, informes, tesis y otros documentos a texto completo de acceso gratuito. Contiene actualmente 1250 registros actualizados al 2013.
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Resource added in: 04/08/2015
Available languages: Spanish
Libraries, Digital, Medical Oncology, Embryonic Germ Cells, BVS Oncologia Uruguay