BVS Infobutton: VHL information contextualized in electronic health record systems.

BVS Infobutton: informações da BVS contextualizadas em sistemas eletrônicos de registro de saúde / BVS Infobutton: información de la BVS contextualizada en los sistemas de registro electrónico de salud

Collection: IV Encuentro de la RedDes

Presented at the IV Encuentro de la RedDes as a CRICS10 sattelite event. It presents the BVS Infobutton, a platform available in the Virtual Health Library developed to recovery of technical and scientific information according to the context of Clinical Information System.

Language: English Duration: 13 slides Publisher: BIREME/OPAS/OMS
Subject(s): Information Technology, Access to Information, Information Storage and Retrieval, Database
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