Author Archives: andreasilva


BIREME and PWR Brazil: cooperation agreements of the 2024-2025 biennium

BIREME’s Strategy 2023-2025 aims to guide information products and services for action in health, with an emphasis on the use of scientific evidence for decision-making, focusing mainly on four areas:

  • Strengthening the capacity of lay people and communities for health-related decision-making;
  • Strengthening professional decision-making capacities;
  • Supporting the development of evidence-based health policies; and
  • Supporting health research.

According to Director João Paulo Souza, the strategy presented aims to “strengthen technical support for health professionals, policy makers and communities, ensuring that they have access to reliable and timely information for effective health interventions”.

To achieve these objectives, the Center relies on several of the Terms of Cooperation (TC) under development with PAHO/WHO Brazil and on sources of funding through global projects, such as with the World Health Organization. In the current 2024-2025 biennium, BIREME continues to cooperate with the following TC established between PAHO/WHO Brazil and the Ministry of Health, considering:

TC91/TA2 – Increased production, use and access to scientific evidence in decision-making processes and policy making in the context of the Unified Health System (SUS).

TC93/TA1-4 – Improvement of BIREME (annual contribution from the Ministry of Health).

TC95/TA6-9 – Improvement of the Management of the Executive Secretariat of the Brazilian Ministry of Health – Brazil VHL- SE/MS.

TC140/TA2 – Improvement of the Management of the Executive Secretariat of the Brazilian Ministry of Health – Economy of Health VHL – SE/MS.

TC157/TA1 – Strengthening and Qualifying the use of health information and digital transformation in the SUS.

The development of products and services in the context of each TC is monitored by BIREME in fortnightly project management meetings coordinated by the Director of the Center with the technical and administrative teams. In addition, biannual meetings are held with the national counterparts to validate the results achieved. The biannual reports are published by PAHO Brazil and are available for public access.

About the TCs

The Pan American Health Organization / World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO), through its Country Offices and Centers, including BIREME/PAHO/WHO, operates in the countries of the Region with technical cooperation programs and projects that formalize and operationalize the dissemination of information, sharing of experiences and ensure transparency and control of resource management by means of technical and financial reports. The Terms of Cooperation are among the instruments most used by the Organization to consolidate this practice, as well as Agreements and Contracts aligned with institutional policies and processes.

BIREME/PAHO/WHO continues to develop and improve products and services that help improve the quality of production, access and publication of scientific and technical information and evidence in health for all the countries of the Latin American and Caribbean Region.

In coordination with the PAHO/WHO country offices and counterparts, the Centre develops projects to achieve health results at the organizational, national and international levels, through specific TCs or Agreements with different counterparts. With the government of Brazil, whose main counterpart is the Ministry of Health [1], TCs are made possible through PAHO/WHO Brazil.

Further information on About the Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information – PAHO/WHO | Pan American Health Organization.

[1] The Ministry of Health is a permanent member of BIREME’s Governance Committees, Advisory and Scientific Committees, which provide recommendations for improving and strengthening BIREME’s regional technical cooperation results, including those related to national priorities.


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Stanford Ranking: João Paulo Souza is among the 2% of most cited scientists in the world

João Paulo Souza, Director of BIREME/PAHO/WHO, was recently recognized among the 2% of the world’s most influential scientists in a study conducted by Stanford University and published by Elsevier. The global analysis assessed the impact of 6.8 million researchers from various fields, considering standardized metrics such as the h-index and the hm-index adjusted for co-authorship. This recognition coincides with the second year of his tenure at the head of BIREME, a period in which the institution has adopted a new strategy to intensify its mission of democratizing access to scientific health information.

João Paulo Souza’s academic career, which precedes his work at BIREME, stands out for its contribution to studies on the life cycle, with emphasis on women’s health in the period related to pregnancy, the result of research carried out with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the University of São Paulo (USP).

PAHO/WHO notes that “research is indispensable for solving public health challenges”, and the impact of João Paulo’s publications reflects this mission to raise health standards”. And in this sense, “the recognition of the Director as one of the most cited scientists in the world is a further expression of the evolution he brings to BIREME’s history as a PAHO/WHO Specialized Center in the essence of its mission,” stated Silvia de Valentin (Administrative and Project Manager at BIREME) in an internal communication to collaborators about João Paulo’s research and recognition.

PAHO actively promotes the generation and use of health research, serving policy makers, health workers and the general public. This work focuses on strengthening health policies and advancing towards universal health through knowledge dissemination, as well as establishing international standards and guidelines.

About Stanford’s “Top 2%” Scientists

Stanford University “Most Influential Scientists” ranking identifies the scientists with the greatest scientific impact of their work globally. This ranking includes the top 2% of the most cited scientists in their fields. The evaluation is based on the frequency with which their research is cited and the prestige of their publications. In its seventh edition (2024), data from 22 areas of science and 174 sub-areas were analyzed, covering 6.8 million researchers.


Stanford Ranking – PLOS Biology

August 2024 data-update for “Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators” – Elsevier BV



Indigenous Health with BIREME and SESAI: new alignments and priority actions

In order to strengthen the development of the Indigenous Peoples VHL (IP VHL), BIREME/PAHO/WHO intensified its cooperation with the Ministry of Health’s Special Secretariat for Indigenous Health (SESAI) by holding a series of technical and strategic meetings in September and October 2024. The meetings consolidated new guidelines and targets for the activities of Technical Cooperation Term 93 (TC93), which focuses on increasing the visibility of Brazil’s actions, policies, strategies, research and projects related to Indigenous Health.

Besides BIREME technical teams involved in the production and implementation of the project’s activities, the meetings were attended by representatives of the counterpart, reinforcing the joint commitment to increasing the visibility of Brazil’s actions, policies, strategies, research and projects related to Indigenous Health. Some of the themes highlighted in these sessions included a revisit to the user survey carried out by BIREME in the DSEI Cuiabá in 2022, which was a dialogue with communities in indigenous territories, an essential strategy to ensure that the content and resources of the IP VHL meet the users demands, reflecting their realities and culture.

Technical and management meetings: main advances and deliberations

For the IP VHL portal, a series of collaborative activities and workshops between technical teams, consultants and counterparts have been driving the development of the Portal. On August 21, a meeting was held to review and align development activities for the new IP VHL portal, with representatives from Fiocruz, SESAI and PAHO Brazil.

This meeting also included an analysis of the steps already delivered and planning for the continuity of activities. As part of the strategic decisions, it was agreed that indigenous artists would be included in the portal design process to ensure that the graphic representations were appropriate and representative of indigenous peoples.

In September, activities progressed with a series of workshops focused on specific aspects of the portal’s development. On September 3, the 1st Workshop on aligning and redefining personas took place, with a collaborative dynamic to identify the portal’s user personas. Thirty-four personas were identified, four of which were considered priorities for the project: indigenous health managers, indigenous health workers, indigenous and non-indigenous researchers, and indigenous and non-indigenous students.

The 2nd workshop, held on September 12, focused on redefining the portal users’ problems, using design thinking techniques to transform these needs into solvable challenges. According to Juliana Sousa, Development Supervisor at BIREME, it is an effective approach to structuring a prioritization matrix by urgency and importance, organizing the 10 main groups of problems into activities aimed at advancing the portal.

On September 29, the teams took part in a virtual management meeting attended by Giovana Cruz Mandulão, General Coordinator for Knowledge Management, Information, Evaluation and Monitoring at the Special Secretariat for Indigenous Health (CGCOIM/SESAI), BIREME Director João Paulo Souza, as well as the leaders and technical focal points of the counterparts and PAHO, under the coordination of Verônica Abdala. “I would like to start by congratulating the whole team. I don’t think we have made this much progress since the last time I took part in the workshop, and it’s gratifying to see how far we have come. Our entire GC team has been dedicated, recognizing the importance of this work for the Indigenous Health Secretariat. And we see how the creation of this VHL is also key to building SESAI’s memory, something we miss very much, and which will be of great value to the current and future administrations,” began Giovana Mandulão.

On the same occasion, the Director of BIREME, João Paulo Souza, highlighted the initiative under development for the World Health Organization’s Traditional Medicines Global Library (TMGL) and the possibilities of integrating information on Brazilian indigenous medicines with this global platform under construction. “We have a historic opportunity to be represented on this platform, as Brazil’s IP VHL, since its first launches,” said João Paulo Souza.

Finally, a face-to-face meeting was held in Brasilia on October 29, 2024, with the teams representing CGCOIM/SESAI, including Mariana Castilho and Mairu Kuady, as well as Akemi Kamimura from PAHO/WHO Brazil, Verônica Abdala and Angélica de Paula from BIREME. The agenda included three meetings: the first focused on reviewing and aligning the activities of the Work Plan, presenting BIREME’s products that can support the fulfillment of the goals and defining priorities. Next, it dealt with updating the Work Plan, highlighting the need for a term to adjust goals and expected results and the flow of information between the Ministry of Health and SESAI. Finally, it addressed the WHO’s global action to strengthen traditional health practices, discussing the inclusion of Brazilian indigenous medicine in the Traditional Medicines Global Library and the possibility of a workshop with indigenous knowledge holders to ensure adequate representation of traditional knowledge.

Next steps

As recommendations, the teams decided:

  • Launch of the Indigenous Peoples VHL Portal: Scheduled for December 2024, the portal will offer a comprehensive platform for accessing information on indigenous health.
  • Implementation of a governance structure: To ensure the quality and continuous updating of the VHL collection, a governance structure will be established.
  • Expansion of survey with health workers: Survey with indigenous health workers will be expanded to include different regional contexts in order to identify and meet specific needs.

These efforts reaffirm BIREME and SESAI’s commitment to promoting indigenous health in Brazil, emphasizing the importance of information and knowledge as pillars for strengthening health practices among indigenous peoples.

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BIREME technical sessions with MedCarib Network

In the second semester of 2024, in coordination with the MedCarib Network, BIREME has being leading a series of technical sessions aimed at the public in English-speaking Caribbean countries that occurred with the active participation from Barbados, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica and, Trinidad and Tobago among others. More than 80 participants have engaged across all sessions.

The sessions had welcome words from Victoria Cruickshank-Taylor, Regional Coordinator of the MedCarib Network, João Paulo Souza, Director of BIREME, and Verônica Abdala, Information Sources Manager at BIREME and the whole team of BIREME. Marcia Barretto, IT Coordinator of BIREME, facilitated all the sessions as she is the focal point for technical cooperation with the Caribbean. The fifth technical session will be included in the 2025 calendar already being planned.

Date Title Presenter
July 23rd Indexing documents using LILACS Methodology. 

Target audience: Librarians and information professionals who contribute to the MedCarib and LILACS databases

Sueli Suga 


August 20th Good Practices in the Editorial Process of Scientific Journals: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) in the editorial process of scientific journals. 

Target audience: Editors of scientific journals and members of the editorial team.

Ana Heredia 


October 1st Indexing documents according to the LILACS Methodology: Exploring the use of Artificial Intelligence and DeCS/MeSH 2024. 

Target audience: Librarians and information professionals who contribute to the MedCarib and LILACS databases.

Ana Cristina Campos, Luciana Piovezan, Sueli Suga 


October 29th Reference Librarian Network (RefNet) and the exchange os experiences and skills between librarians to support users in finding, accessing, and applying technical and scientific information to make evidence-based decisions. 

Target audience: Librarians and information professionals who contribute to the MedCarib and LILACS databases.

Rosemeire Rocha Pinto 


This initiative is part of BIREME’s 2024-2025 Biennial Work Plan (BWP), aligned with its Strategy 2023-2025 – Towards 4.0 Information Products and Services, and aims to strengthen the MedCarib Network and the Caribbean Virtual Health Library (VHL), improving the access to scientific and technical health information produced in and about the region.

Check out the recorded presentations and more information on the webpage “Strengthening Health Information Networks in Caribbean Virtual Health Library (VHL) 2024“.

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CD61: BIREME hosts a booth at PAHO to showcase products and services

BIREME, the Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information, is hosting a booth during the 61st PAHO Directing Council (CD61), from September 30 to October 4, 2024, in Washington, D.C., United States, at the Organization’s headquarters. The session, which brings together health ministers and other sector leaders from across the Americas, is ideal for BIREME to highlight its innovations in digital health and its strategic projects developed in technical cooperation with the countries of the region.

BIREME’s booth is located at the entrance of PAHO Headquarters and presents an immersive experience for participants, with the use of two large format LED screens. “On these screens, we are projecting provocative questions aimed at stimulating reflection on the capacity for disseminating information in countries’ health systems,” said BIREME director João Paulo, who is taking part in the event. “These are questions that can support our technical and political dialog with country representatives, demonstrating how technical cooperation with BIREME is capable of improving access to health information, both for the health system and services, as well as for professionals and citizens.”

Seven questions to assess your health system’s information dissemination capacity

1. How effective is your health system at providing rapid access to accurate health information for professionals and citizens?

2. Are national health guidelines and protocols easily accessible to frontline professionals and decision-makers?

3. Does your health system use data and research to identify and address gaps in the dissemination of health information?

4. Is your country’s scientific and technical knowledge more evenly distributed, from rural areas to urban centers?

5. Is your health system prepared to respond quickly to the most frequently asked questions by health professionals?

6. How does your health system identify priority areas for investment in research and innovation?

7. How does your health system provide citizens and professionals with the knowledge they need to make informed health decisions?

New hotsite displays information related to BIREME Strategy 2023-2025, main health information products and services available and highlights from the Technical Cooperation with Latin American and Caribbean Countries.

BIREME Strategy 2023-2025: hotsite highlights projects and products

BIREME is also presenting a hotsite designed to complement the visitor’s experience at the booth. The hotsite presents visually appealing content aimed at authorities and participants from PAHO Member States, providing access to essential information about BIREME’s Strategy 2023-2025, as well as the products, services, and projects that have been accelerated by advanced digital technologies and an agile management approach.

“At the booth of BIREME during CD61, users can also pick up bookmarks printed with QR codes that will direct visitors to the new hotsite, allowing them to explore the work carried out by BIREME in more detail, even after the event,” said Verônica, who is also attending the event in person.

The hotsite highlights the main axes of the BIREME Strategy 2023-2025, which focuses on the transition to information products and services 4.0, aligned with the digital frontiers, such as artificial intelligence applied to health and the use of big data. This strategy drives BIREME’s mission to provide reliable scientific and technical information essential for health decision making at both national and regional levels.

The page also highlights the institutionality of BIREME and its technical cooperation with the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), highlighting the ongoing efforts to strengthen the capacity of health systems to disseminate information and the regional participation of these countries in the Governance of the Center. “This collaboration is essential to increase the impact of public health interventions and ensure that scientific information and knowledge reach health professionals and users in the countries,” said Silvia de Valentin, BIREME’s Manager of Administration, Programs and Projects.

Among the main information products and services already available on the hotsite are:

  • Virtual Health Library (VHL), one of the largest and most visited health information platforms in the Region;
  • LILACS, the leading bibliographic database in Latin America and the Caribbean, with more than 1 million scientific records;
  • DeCS/MeSH, a fundamental tool for indexing documents and promoting interoperability among health databases;
  • Second Formative Opinion (SOF), which helps health professionals resolve clinical questions based on the latest scientific evidence.

BIREME and strategic partnerships

During the 61st Directing Council, BIREME reaffirmed its position as a vital link between national health systems and access to scientific information. “Our mission is clear: to strengthen health systems in the Americas through the dissemination of high-quality, actionable information. Partnerships with ministries of health and other institutions are essential to ensure that this mission is fulfilled,” said João Paulo Souza, Director of BIREME.

During the session, BIREME is also promoting a series of live demonstrations of its digital tools, encouraging the use of platforms such as the Virtual Health Library (VHL) for evidence-based decision making. “At the booth, visitors can explore the services offered by BIREME and learn more about how these solutions can directly impact health information management in their countries,” emphasizes Verônica Abdala.

For Director João Paulo Souza, BIREME’s presence at the 61st PAHO Directing Council reaffirms its commitment to innovation, collaboration and strengthening health systems through the dissemination of reliable information. Digital transformation and new technological frontiers are now a reality that BIREME is embracing to create a more informed and healthier future for all.

Please click here to visit the BIREME digital booth hotsite.


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Advances on the development of the Global Library of Traditional Medicine

On September 11 and 12, BIREME Director João Paulo Souza participated in a global technical meeting organized by the World Health Organization (WHO) with the Department of Digital Health and Innovation on the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in traditional medicine. The meeting, hosted by the All India Institute of Ayurveda (AIIA) in New Delhi, India, brought together 60 participants from 15 countries to discuss how AI can contribute to the dissemination and safe use of traditional health practices.

The program included strategic topics that support and advance the development of the WHO Traditional Medicine Global Library (TMGL), which is coordinated by BIREME. “The TMGL is a specialized digital library designed to promote health and well-being by providing access to scientific and technical information on traditional, indigenous, complementary and integrative medicines for health professionals and practitioners of traditional medicine, policy-makers, researchers and the general public,” said João Paulo Souza, Director of BIREME.

In addition to being a repository of this information, the TMGL will enable the registration of specialized scientific journals, local scientific, technical and policy productions, as well as the confidential deposit of traditional knowledge, with the aim of protecting the intellectual property of this knowledge by indigenous populations and local communities. This is a joint project of two specialized centers, BIREME and the WHO Global Center for Traditional Medicine (GTMC).

Agile development

According to the Director of BIREME, it is important to note that TMGL is BIREME’s first information product being developed using the Scrum approach. “In this agile approach, development takes place in a participatory, incremental and user-centred way, with monthly releases of new features,” says Souza. Version 0.1 (alpha) will be launched on 31 October 2024, and the first full version (1.0) will be launched during the WHO’s Second Global Summit on Traditional Medicine, scheduled for November 2025.

The TMGL will consist of a global portal, six regional portals for the WHO regions and 194 country-specific pages. According to the project, this structure will allow information on traditional, indigenous, complementary and integrative health practices to be integrated with conventional health practices, providing an accessible global platform based on scientific evidence. “The Scrum approach allows the library’s content and functionalities to be built with the active participation of a community of users and testers, ensuring that regional and cultural needs are respected,” the Director emphasised.

Artificial inteligence applications

In João Paulo Souza’s view, “the future of information products will be largely conversational, interactive and largely audiovisual”. In this sense, BIREME’s research and development activities have advanced in the use of Large Language Models (LLMs), which allow a more natural and easier interaction with scientific and technical information. As BIREME’s developments are consolidated, they will be integrated into the Virtual Health Libraries and the TMGL.

These technological innovations and other methodological approaches will help to link ancestral knowledge with current health practices in an effective, safe and culturally appropriate way. Two focus discussion groups were held during the meeting in India to gather input from participants and define technical specifications that will be incorporated into the next versions of the TMGL.

Southeast Asia Regional Portal

In addition to his participation in the technical meeting, BIREME’s Director visited the WHO Regional Office for Southeast Asia (SEARO), where he met with the region’s focal point for traditional medicine, Dr. Pawan Godatwar, and Ms. Maki Kajiwara and Mr. Manjeet Saluja, from the WHO Global Traditional Medicine Centre (GTMC). The meeting aimed to discuss the development of the TMGL regional portal for Southeast Asia, one of the first regional portals to be implemented, alongside the Americas portal.

Invitation to the global community of users and testers

During the mission, João Paulo Souza also reiterated the invitation to global partners to join the TMGL Community, a group of users and testers who will have early access to the platform to provide feedback on its functionalities and content. The community has been invited to visit the website currently under development [click here to access], where they can follow monthly updates and participate in the project’s evolution. “The creation of this community is fundamental to ensure that TMGL meets the expectations and needs of its users, while respecting the regional and cultural specificities of each country,” he said.

The development of TMGL materializes BIREME’s digital transformation efforts, with advanced products and agile processes. According to the director, “digital transformation has two components: digital technology and agile work processes. The development of TMGL seeks to shape the digital transformation of technical cooperation, with the development of an information product centered on the needs of these projects, with incremental deliveries, and in an agile and participatory manner.”

An image shows the banner available on the homepage of the WHO Global Traditional Medicine Library. Click on the image to visit the website.
Homepage of the WHO Global Traditional Medicine Library. Please click on the image to visit the web portal.


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Strategy and innovation: priority development routes

Hotsite highlights the BIREME Strategy 2023-2025, with new routes for development and innovation in projects, products and services. Click on the image to visit the online page.

In order to improve its products and processes, BIREME has set itself targets for technological innovation, with a focus on delivering value to users.  The strategy adopted prioritizes the implementation of agile methodologies, strengthening the organizational culture, encouraging the sharing of ideas and the constant search for innovative solutions that add practical and immediate value to the needs of those who use the Center’s services and products.

“As an important initial step towards integrating new technologies into the product development process, we organized several meetings with specialists in artificial intelligence, with the main focus on developing and implementing solutions,” highlighted Marcos Mori, Coordinator of Solutions Development and Emerging Technologies (DEV).

After analyzing a number of solutions and tools, it was decided to use ChatGPT Plus (subscription version) to support the development and documentation of products and projects. The resource will also support computer language translation, error correction and code optimization. “The tool is improving efficiency in the process. In addition, we are dedicated to curating our current products and developing new projects,” continued Marcos Mori. Some of the outstanding initiatives are described below.

Text generation and search interface with natural language

ChatGPT is being studied to assist in the creation of texts for the Second Opinion Formative Program (SOF) and for the Decision Aids project, with the aim of facilitating the writing, revision and generation of answers. According to BIREME’s development team, tests have already demonstrated its usefulness, but human review is still essential to guarantee the quality of technical and scientific content. The development and testing of natural language search functionality, which will seek to improve access to information, including conversational search, is also planned.

Automatic indexing of documents

BIREME’s DEV team is implementing Annif, an automatic indexing tool that uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) to improve information management. “It can be trained with controlled vocabularies, such as DeCS/MeSH, that ensures accurate suggestions and supports several languages. Currently, the tool is being trained with documents from LILACS,” explains Coordinator Mori. The launch of DeCS Finder as a “semi-automatic indexing” solution is planned for this year.

Technical teams, supervisors and coordinators in a series of meetings to align and plan BIREME’s new development routes.

Incorporation of LLMs into the VHL: super abstracts, similar DOCS and narrative summaries ​

Large Scale Language Models (LLMs) are being incorporated into the Virtual Health Library (VHL) to create super summaries, similar DOCS and narrative summaries. The super summaries, with two to three sentences, are generated from document titles and summaries, and will serve as the basis for future Similar DOCS and narrative summaries. These syntheses summarize information from articles, making it easier for users to access them. The aim is to reduce processing effort by generating clear content from the five most relevant articles in VHL searches.

ChatGPT specialized in LILACS and DeCS

ChatGPT Plus is being specialized to improve the analysis of answers on LILACS and DeCS, essential methodologies in scientific health literature. The aim is to create a list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) to support the VHL network and its users. The model has been trained with texts on these methodologies, and internal tests are being carried out to assess the quality of the answers. The solution is in the validation phase, with continuous adjustments for improvement.

Personalization of content in the VHL through a predictive model

The project aims to improve the “My VHL” functionality with advanced personalization, based on users’ preferences and usage history. The new predictive search will adapt results to search behavior and patterns, including geospatial analysis. The aim is to provide more efficient experience, allowing access to information of interest without active searches, as well as adapting results to the user’s regional needs, such as health professionals and researchers.

Recognizing the importance of incorporating new technologies, improving products and services and enhancing the user experience, BIREME has the support of a consultant specializing in artificial intelligence. In addition, there is institutional encouragement for professional improvement through specific courses. Marcos Mori points out: “This has allowed us to optimize our processes and promote continuous improvement in the quality of the services offered, guaranteeing innovation and efficiency in our operations.”

These advances establish an important step forward in the use of AI in BIREME’s products and information systems, and reinforce the institutional commitment of technical cooperation to offer faster and more effective responses to VHL users and to the health sciences information systems of the countries in the region.

The Digital Solutions and Emerging Technologies Development team, responsible for executing and implementing innovations across BIREME’s projects.




La BVS Honduras renueva su Comité Consultivo y se compromete con el acceso equitativo a la información en salud

Tegucigalpa, 12 de septiembre de 2024 (OPS/OMS). El Comité Consultivo de la BVS Honduras realizó una reunión extraordinaria para incorporar nuevos miembros e instituciones, incluyendo la nueva coordinadora del comité. La agenda incluyó un reconocimiento a la Dra. Jackeline Alger, quien fungió en ese cargo desde el 2011.

Representantes de la Secretaría de Salud, Hospital Escuela, UNAH/Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, UNICAH, Instituto Hondureño de Seguridad Social, Instituto Antonio Vidal, OPS/OMS estuvieron presentes en la reunión.

“Hoy celebramos con orgullo a la Dra. Jackeline Alger, quien ha sido un pilar fundamental en la salud pública de Honduras, nos deja un legado de inspiración en Salud Pública”, dijo Ana Emilia Solís, Representante de la OPS/OMS en Honduras.

Galardonada como Notable de la Salud Pública en 2022 por la OPS, su liderazgo como Coordinadora del Comité Consultivo de la Biblioteca Virtual en Salud de Honduras, desde 2011 hasta junio de 2024, ha transformado el acceso a la información en salud en el país.
Durante más de una década, su compromiso inquebrantable con la investigación, la innovación y las alianzas estratégicas ha fortalecido los recursos disponibles para profesionales y ciudadanos. Su labor fue crucial dirigiendo al Comité durante la pandemia de COVID-19, asegurando que los servicios de información continuaran brindando apoyo de manera eficaz y oportuna.

Joao Paulo Souza, Director de BIREME y Verónica Abdala acompañaron virtualmente haciendo un reconocimiento especial a Jackeline por su papel en la gestión e innovación de la BVS a lo largo de estos años.

“Aunque deja su cargo como coordinadora, su legado sigue vivo y es un honor para mí asumir esta posición en su lugar”, dijo Melissa Mejía, indicando que el mayor homenaje para Jackeline es mantener los logros y abordar los desafíos pendientes.

Cecilia García, Secretaria técnica del Comité dijo “Damos la bienvenida a la Dra. Melissa Mejía, quien, con el apoyo de BIREME y las instituciones nacionales, continuará impulsando este esfuerzo por una Honduras más saludable y equitativa”. Cecilia hizo una breve reseña de ambas profesionales destacando su compromiso con el acceso equitativo a la información en salud.



BIREME and SESAI advance in the implementation of the VHL for Indigenous Health with new alignments and partnerships

In continuity with efforts to strengthen indigenous health in Latin America and the Caribbean by promoting the visibility, access and use of the scientific and technical literature produced in the region, since the beginning of 2024, BIREME/PAHO/WHO and the Special Secretariat for Indigenous Health of the Brazilian Ministry of Health (SESAI/MS) have dedicated significant efforts to advancing on the various fronts of the project. The activities take place in the context of Technical Cooperation Agreement 93, in its fourth Amendment (TA4/TC93). Below are the highlights of the project over the last six months.

1. Alignment of the work plan and holding a workshop

After two face-to-face meetings held in February and April 2024, it was possible to align the VHL Indigenous Health work plan with SESAI’s priorities, consolidating a strategic cooperation with Fiocruz. This alliance aims to integrate the initiatives of the Indigenous Health VHL and the Health of Indigenous Peoples VHL, optimizing resources and expanding the impact of the VHL throughout Brazil. Besides the teams from SESAI, BIREME, and Fiocruz, the alignment of the work plan also involved representatives from the General Coordination of Documentation and Information of Brazil’s Ministry of Health (CGDI/MS) and PAHO Brazil.

2. Setting strategic goals

Based on the integration of initiatives in favor of the Indigenous Health VHL, four strategic goals were defined, listed below. For each goal, the activities and main expected results were defined.

Goal 1 – Analysis and prospecting of innovative information technologies and methodologies aimed at improving transparency and dissemination of information and knowledge in the area of indigenous peoples’ health. It includes the improvement of the Health of Indigenous Peoples VHL.

Goal 2 – Analysis of actions identified for improving organizational effectiveness to strengthen national indigenous health policies and strategies, with the mapping and analysis of scientific and technical information available in the VHL.

Goal 3 – Analysis based on bibliographic governance, in relation to the need for adequate management of SESAI’s collection, considering its organization and cataloguing of scientific and technical publications. It includes the development of a SESAI database.

Goal 4 – Enable the exchange of experiences and dissemination of knowledge between health systems and services promoted and shared within the scope of national and international cooperation.

3. New portal of the Health of Indigenous Peoples VHL

One of the most eagerly awaited achievements is the creation of the new portal of the Health of Indigenous Peoples VHL, whose specifications have already been completed. Expected to be launched by the end of 2024, the portal will serve as a tool for health professionals working in indigenous communities, promoting and facilitating access to relevant and up-to-date content.

4. Diagnosis and implementation of the governance structure

A comprehensive diagnosis of the Health of Indigenous Peoples VHL was carried out, recommending the implementation of an efficient governance structure. This structure will allow a collaborative flow for the continuous updating of information sources, ensuring the relevance and quality of the collection.

5. Mapping of institutions and researchers

The preliminary mapping of institutions and researchers involved in indigenous health has been completed and will be reviewed and complemented by specialized consultants. The aim of the mapping is to seek to expand the VHL’s collection, reflecting the wealth and diversity of research in the area.

6. Survey with Indigenous Health Professionals

Carried out by BIREME in 2022, a detailed survey of health professionals working in indigenous communities in the state of Mato Grosso (Brazil) identified some of the main needs and challenges in accessing information. The results were presented to the Ministry of Health, which suggested expanding the study and including indigenous communities from other territorial and health contexts. These results should guide the development of new resources and functionalities for the portal, ensuring that the solutions meet the real users’ needs.

7. Development of content evaluation criteria

In order to guarantee the quality and relevance of the information available on the VHL, strict criteria have been established for selecting and evaluating the content that will integrate the collection. These criteria will be reviewed and approved by an advisory committee, ensuring that the collection reflects the best practices and knowledge in the area of indigenous health.

“This is a project that has promoted the exchange of experiences and knowledge between different health systems and services, both nationally and internationally. This exchange is key to strengthening health practices and promoting innovations that meet the needs of indigenous populations” highlighted BIREME Director João Paulo Souza.

Information and Knowledge on Indigenous Peoples’ Health

These joint efforts reflect the ongoing commitment of BIREME and SESAI to strengthen information and knowledge management in the area of indigenous health, contributing directly to the improvement of the Unified Health System (SUS) and the Indigenous Health Care Subsystem.

For Veronica Abdala, the project’s focal point at BIREME, “the expectation is that, with the completion of the new portal and the ongoing activities, indigenous populations will have increasing access to scientific and technical information that meets their specific needs, thus contributing to promoting health equity throughout the country”.

Mpox Window of Knowledge highlights updated documents for emergency response

On August 14, 2024, the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a new outbreak of Mpox to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). The decision was prompted by the increase in cases in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and other African countries, which are now facing the spread of a new strain of the virus, clade 1b. This is the second time in two years that Mpox has been declared a PHEIC, underlining the seriousness of the situation and the need for a coordinated international response.

Infographics on the Mpox Windows of Knowledge, highlighting resources like technical guidelines, vaccines, and therapeutic options provided by PAHO and WHO.

To support health professionals, researchers and the general public in understanding and responding to Mpox, BIREME has updated the Window of Knowledge in the Virtual Health Library (VHL) dedicated exclusively to the topic. The Mpox Window of Knowledge brings together documents, studies, guidelines and resources on the disease, ranging from clinical aspects to prevention and control strategies.

With the detection of a new strain of the clade 1b virus in the Democratic Republic of Congo, which has spread to other countries in Africa and may reach other continents, including the Americas, PAHO reinforces that it is essential that all those involved in the response to the outbreak are well-informed. The Mpox Window of Knowledge serves as a strategic information tool to support surveillance, preparedness and emergency response activities, as outlined in the four PAHO/WHO strategic pillars:

  1. Communication and engagement of at-risk communities: the platform offers educational materials and awareness campaigns aimed at informing communities about Mpox risks and prevention measures.
  2. Timely detection and treatment: provides clinical guidelines and treatment protocols to ensure effective case management and the protection of health workers.
  3. Laboratory confirmation and surveillance: the Window of Knowledge facilitates access to resources on epidemiological surveillance and the containment of transmission chains, which are essential for controlling the spread of the virus.
  4. Access to essential supplies: through international partnerships and guidelines, the platform provides guidance on the use of emergency vaccines and therapies, which are essential for affected countries.

This determination of ESPII is the second in two years related to Mpox. Caused by an Orthopoxvirus, Mpox was first detected in humans in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The disease is considered endemic in central and western African countries. Focal point at BIREME for the development and publication of the Window of Knowledge VHL collection, librarian Rosemeire Pinto recalls that “the purpose of the Window of Knowledge is to support the dissemination of and access to quality scientific and technical information, facilitating informed decision-making and the implementation of effective public health measures”.

Access the Mpox Window of Knowledge and learn about the latest updates and resources available to tackle this global public health emergency.
