BIREME, Cooperation, EVIPNet Cooperation in support of evidence-informed decision-making processes in health
BIREME, PAHO, VHL, WHO The VHL is recognized as A Good Practice of South-South and Triangular Cooperation
BIGG-REC, BIREME, PAHO, Therapeutics Covid-19, VHL, WHO Digital innovation to facilitate evidence use in the VHL
BIREME, Indigenous Health VHL, VHL Indigenous Health VHL: BIREME team visits indigenous villages in Mato Grosso
BIREME, PAHO Nicaragua, Strengthening the Network, VHL Nicaragua Results of the technical cooperation project between BIREME and PAHO Nicaragua
BIREME, DeCS, LILACS, Strengthening the Network, VHL Strengthening Health Information Networks in LA&C: results for the first half of 2022
BIREME, Breastfeeding, Window of knowledge BIREME develops a Window of Knowledge to support World Breastfeeding Week 2022